I am really gong through a rough time emotionally and in all areas right now and need someone to tal

As of right now I am still homeless and staying in my truck. Its 24 degrees tonight and Im freezing. Still have not found work. I am giving up. Hopefully the cold will take me soon. Lost about 25 lbs and dealing with bloody stools. I am not going to a doctor. **** it...............

I haven't the words. As someone who's walked this path, it's hard to convey the thoughts going through my head.

I'm hardly one to give advice, especially with everything going on in my life right now. But you're letting the depression talk.

There are some fine folks around you to reach out to for those in need, like yourself. It may be a matter of pride, or - in this case - despair, but your local DSS can help with emergency housing. There's also your local hospital's Behavioral Sciences Unit that can help through counciling and help you get your life back on track through the social workers there.

Tom, there's also many of us on here who have walked this path before you, maybe not with the same circumstances you're living right now, but who have worked or are working to overcome the grief and depression you're feeling. Trust me, I'm still dealing with mine, and will be for many more years to come as I reconcile my first family with my second and what each means to me.

Prayers, my friend. You're always in my prayers.