I am really gong through a rough time emotionally and in all areas right now and need someone to tal

O,Tom, are you still in NC? if so, why????
From Danny Bonaduce
Danny Bonaduce On What It Was Like To Be Homeless And Famous (VIDEO) | The Huffington Post

In his appearance on “Oprah: Where Are They Now?” Bonaduce talks about the unusual experience of being both homeless and famous at the same time. “I lived right behind this dumpster, but I lived in my car,” he says.

Bonaduce recalls the sharp difference between his homeless lifestyle but still being treated as a revered celebrity. “I’d wake up, kind of wipe my eyes, and I’d go right through the little arch and I’d be in front of Grauman’s Chinese Theater, where everybody’s footprints are,” he says. “I was still famous and people had no idea I lived behind the dumpster... I’d be taking pictures with people and signing autographs.”

Fast forward forty years
Danny Bonaduce started his career as one of the cutest kids in Hollywood (get ready to smile at the little red-headed boy clutching a seemingly giant guitar in this classic Partridge Family clip).

But in the most recent chapter of his life, he retreated to much quieter Seattle, where he's the big fish in a decidedly smaller celebrity pond. He's the co-host of a popular radio show there, but must be looking for new digs, since he recently put his striking modern home on the market for $725,000.

Step Inside Danny Bonaduce's Seattle Home

That needs to be an important part of their understanding of my situation and depression?
From Jungle Jim's son:
Beserko Bob asked me to write a few paragraphs about my father, the late 'Jungle' Jim Liberman. But, I must be truthful to the racing world, I really never got the opportunity many of you had to get to know or see my father. As many people know, my parents separated when I was young (3 years old), and we lived on the west coast while he lived on the east coast. From the time my parents separated and my father's car accident I only recall seeing him twice. Once as he was passing through southern California for a race (I was 7-8), and once before we moved to Oregon...

In closing, I do have one request, if you have a son/daughter, take a minute and give them a hug and tell them how much you love them. And make some time for them, trust me, nothing will make them prouder than to have mom and dad their watching them, that all important business meeting can wait.
For us older kids who have some broken fences to mend, you know who you are, take 2 minutes out of your day and give the folks a ring...even if just to say hi. And upon my own advice, MoM, are you free for dinner? Lets mend our broken fence. I wish everyone peace and good health.
James "Randy" Liberman

I returned home and found that the Mason's had dropped off a basket for my mother for Christmas. My father ( a 35 year Chrysler employee) has been dead for 24 years but they have never forgotten or let my father down. The Masons actually found my address, drove way out of their way to drop it off at my house, not knowing her address in the nursing home. Please take this act of kindness and love and pass it on. Please take a break from your situations and do something kind for someone else. Doesn't have to be much, hold a door, smile..