Don't know why it took me so long

Your car has heat?

The fan in the dodge only works on "high". By the time I get the windshield defogged, I'm on the interstate and can let cowl pressure take over pushing air into the car, IF I need "heat".
The way I dress, not often.
Hey this day in 1962 the low was subzero in some parts of Georgia I heard on the radio this AM.
But I see the high is going to be like -1 in Bismark ND one day this week.

One day recently I had to go into town real early and my car was frozen solid.
We have a little electric 1500 watt room heater that I took out and set in the floor of the car and 10 min later I went back out to start the car and let it warm up.
Well after that 10 min all the windows were defrosted and even the seats and steering wheel were warm, and that lasted till the motor was warm and the heat worked.

So, I went down to Wally world and got another heater for my car and it can just stay in there until winter is over. (it was only 17 bucks with tax)
The car is parked close to an outlet on the outside of the house so it worked out great.
When not in use it's going to stay in the trunk.

Now it's soooo much nicer to go get the car warmed up in the morning when it's freezing cold out.
Don't know why I didn't do this years ago, :D