several 426 Hemi's burried

Nope , this guy's legit. Would'nt tell me a lie.
I've had this conversation many times with my 6year old
His mom for instance will tell him were going to the store after school, but she doesnt know I allready made other plans so we can't go to the store
Did she lie?
Well, yes in the sense she told something that was no true
No, in the sense she relayed information she believed to be true

So, at our house, in order to get spanked for telling a lie, there needs to be a element of deception there (his mom did not mean to tell him something untrue)

Now, could it be your buddies dad pulled a prank on his son, and your buddy is telling you something untrue, fully believing it to be true?

If so, he wouldn't be lying according to my standards