Where does Santa hide stuff untill the big day?

Don't need to now that the kids are all grown and gone. But years ago we used to hide them in the trunk of the '69 340 Swinger I owned back then - I had the only key so no worries about snoopers.
Another great place we used, but it required more work, was the return air vent for the forced air furnace in the house. We'd remove the vent grill cover, hide the presents inside, and then reinstall the vent cover.
One year I bought my then-wife an antique treadle sewing machine. I simply put it out in the garage, threw an old blanket over it and put a few car parts and tools on top. She never bothered to move the stuff and peak under the blanket. Didn't have a clue until Christmas morning.
I bought my grand daughter a trampoline, the box is huge and heavy. its just sitting in the garage next to the Duster with a fender cover and and I put a couple of tools on top. She's walked past it every day since Thanksgiving and hasn't even noticed.