So this new minumum wage thing?

I feel also part of the problem is the notion that a college degree is the answer to a life of prosperity. That seems to be drilled into students from the time they are in grade school. Where did all the shop classes go in our public school system go?? Not saying College is not a good thing but Tech Schools have a lot to offer and should not be looked down as a second rate option. Getting you hands dirty does not make you any less of a person as a paper pusher!

That's true education is the biggest let down for the youth. That's the problem here everyone is push to go to college focused a lot of business type jobs. And has left the trades short handed.

A friend of mine went 3 years of schooling to be a 911 dispatcher. The local college probably pumps out 100 or so kids train a year for this not including other colleges for something maybe 2-3 position open up a year. Colleges should be preparing people for the jobs needed out there not just a money grab. And yes my friend is at fault to she should of researched the likelihood of being hired in that field.