So this new minumum wage thing?

I have been saying for years now that we are going to end up with a society that has read all about it, but doesn't actually know how to do anything.

Beside the point though.
Train a new person that got hired making more than you do after you have been there for years and have climbed the company ladder only to have someone new that you are responsible for training placed a rung above you financially.
They make more than you do, although they have none of the certifications, training or experience you do.

Like my Son said, "I didn't go there every day for three years to get certifications, I went there every day for three years to make money".
"The certs were necessary to make more money, but the new person gets all the benefits of the money and didn't have to do any of the work to get there".

It's a real world case of "being born on third base" and it's having a destructive effect on good employees.