So this new minumum wage thing?

I don't get this blind faith in capitalism (I'm not a communist) in the early 20th century you basically had your Laissez-faire capitalism look how workers and the environment was treated then. That's why unions where born to combat the unfairness of the system.

The government "us" don't forget we are the government we put people in place to do our biding. Can and should decide the rules of operation that is best for all not just a few.
It's not like the rich are hard done by 1% of the people own 99% of the wealth I'm sure the system ain't ******* them and the worst part is there greed is so bad they want more lol.

Look at it this way if society stop today who would be more effected a bum on the street or Bill Gates ? Not picking Bill he's actually a good guy. Obviously Bill Gates the bum has less stake in the system his life will barely change but on the other hand Bill will there will be no more cops and laws to protect his fortune "ownership" and with the collapse of the infrastructure it will be hard for Microsoft to carry on. Do you think Bill Gates would be Bill Gates if he was born in Afghanistan it would of been impossible to start Microsoft there.

I'm just saying wealth ain't created in a bubble. It's a chain of events created by all of us and certain individuals are at the right place at the right time to take advantage of it. But to think they done it all on their own and owe nothing back to the system is false.

Look what drives our economy now computers and Internet where did they come from? Your government investing billions and billions of dollars into it. Without the government contracting IBM to develop the computer there would be no PC and no Bill Gates and where would Google be if the government didn't push for the Internet as a defense communication system.

We have the rights to tax and ask for our share and definitely yes we have the right to be paid decently. Cause we the people have granted them the right to operate in our country's which can be revoked. This is our monopoly game we make the rules.
Not really they but we should :)

First, capitalism itself is a term popularized by Marx and socialists, as a way to demonize wealth and the wealthy. The industrial era working conditions was nothing new, most of human history was predicated on lax and dangerous working conditions. New technologies and industries simply created new ways and bigger scale endeavors. Compare any industrial era project or career's condition statistics to say... the Great Wall of China, or Pyramids. Mass communications (books, newspapers, etc) allowed the socialist liberalized media to paint a picture of supervillan wealthy people and societies.

Second, no one argues that wealth is created in a bubble... though there are people who discovered and homesteaded remote land and harvested oil or gold without societal help. The idea that you owe me something because I helped pay for a road is flawed and philosophically corrupt.

"We have the rights to tax and ask for our share and definitely yes we have the right to be paid decently"

Tell me. Do you have the right to take property from your neighbor, or else you can harm them and take it from them? Do three of your neighbors have the right to do it, if you don't? Morally there is no "right" to tax someone else, or take their property "or else". Government exists on force and might makes right, not legitimate morally/ philosophically just action or rights. Don't confuse yourself of that.

"This is our monopoly game we make the rules."

Pretty much, the system is just an adhoc geographical monopoly. It is not perfect, it is what it is. This is simply another evolution of the tribalism mindset.

Economics is more pure than the ideological opinions of politics, eventually numbers are numbers, and human action is overall consistent.

Remember life is not and will never be perfect. When you try to make it perfect... it still won't be perfect... or it won't be life.