So this new minumum wage thing?

We've can't base are whole existence on the needs of business profits. Business are here to feed our needs not the other way around.

There's got to be more to life then turning "our" natural resources into things we really don't need (in a lot of cases forever changing the faces of the world probably for the worse with a cost that's gonna be dropped at someone else's feet) for the power and enrichment of the few.

Business don't pay the full cost of doing business they off load a lot of it to tax payers. If we held all business for the cost of them being operational the would be none.
Why is it unfair when it comes at the cost of there profits but not when it comes out of our taxes ??
WTF? I don't know exactly what your rambling on about but the goal of any business is to make money. If your not making money then your out of business. It's that easy. What you can't do is base your business on "feeding the needs" of your employees. And to say that "businesses don't pay the full cost of doing business" might possibly be the most rediculous thing I've ever heard. Not only are businesses taxed to do business they also have to buy permits and licenses and payroll tax and inventory taxes,etc,etc.... if you think taxpayers pick up some of the cost associated with doing business then you my friend are completely out of touch with reality. As a person who helped operate a successful business or two for 40+ years I can assure you that the only way the government gets involved is they make rules for you to follow and come at you with their hand out looking to take your money. There were a lot of years we were in business that we did 100 million in sales and didn't turn a profit. Money went into taxes insurance,wages, equipment,utilities, and all the other costs associated with doing business. On the up side we had almost 300 employees who earned a living, provided for their family's and had insurance that we paid for. I was part owner and a lot of my employees made more money than I did. If I just had back all the money our company paid out in taxes and insurance I would probably be a billionaire.