So this new minumum wage thing?

First, capitalism itself is a term popularized by Marx and socialists, as a way to demonize wealth and the wealthy. The industrial era working conditions was nothing new, most of human history was predicated on lax and dangerous working conditions. New technologies and industries simply created new ways and bigger scale endeavors. Compare any industrial era project or career's condition statistics to say... the Great Wall of China, or Pyramids. Mass communications (books, newspapers, etc) allowed the socialist liberalized media to paint a picture of supervillan wealthy people and societies.

Not trying vilified the rich but there's and "ours" motive of greed do cause a lot of the
atrocities of the world the rich helped Hitler rise for fear of communism. A lot of the arm conflicts in South America been over Corporate intrest. Not to mention the almost genocide of Native Americans here. Shell even hired it own army to wipe a village off the map in Africa cause they protesting the ruining of the drinking water.

Second, no one argues that wealth is created in a bubble... though there are people who discovered and homesteaded remote land and harvested oil or gold without societal help. The idea that you owe me something because I helped pay for a road is flawed and philosophically corrupt.

Again not out of isolation if Europe wasn't looking for a quicker way to Asia wouldn't have found America. It's not like the first guy that got to America drove to Texas and started drilling oil. It was built on the backs of everyone before.

Tell me. Do you have the right to take property from your neighbor, or else you can harm them and take it from them? Do three of your neighbors have the right to do it, if you don't? Morally there is no "right" to tax someone else, or take their property "or else". Government exists on force and might makes right, not legitimate morally/ philosophically just action or rights. Don't confuse yourself of that.

That's a big one cause I don't believe in a inherited right and wrong. I believe it is what we say it is. Taxes been since the invention of money get over it. The question is fairly or unfairly ?