So this new minumum wage thing?

wow, some interesting ideas here

Hitler had zero to do with being rich (I've read some wild theories of the rise of Nazism, but that isn't one of them). Yes, he did get some of the elite (because of Goring (war hero - last commander of the flying circus(red baron) with a movie star wife). And you know the Germans were massivily taxed for the war - so printed money - which DEVALUED it. So nobody was rich. Buying a loaf of bread with a wheel barrow of money. So stop - Hitler has nothing to do with the modern world. The factors to his rise to power do not exist in the western world today

Socialism doesn't work - the USA is one of the least taxed nations. Europe has some of the highest taxation in the world - but they have the most services. Good or bad - that is a massive change

Capitalism - wealth is controlled by private owners. More recently restriction have been placed on business. But business will also grow and adapt. Moving over seas because the government does not have tariff protection. (and salaries are lower). Other factors as well.

Lastly, it doesn't matter the political systems PEOPLE will find a way to cheat it and other people will suffer. That is human nature