So this new minumum wage thing?

Ok sales tax and payroll tax so your customers and employees paid their taxes.
And companies get tax incentives ah so hard done by :(
My company never got 1cent of tax incentives and most never do. Maybe big huge corporations like Walmart, or auto manufacturers or multi billion dollar corporations get tax incentives. in case you don't understand what that means, and I'm pretty sure you don't, it means they get a reduced tax rate, which means they don't pay as much corporate tax, it don't mean they get out of paying taxes, it just means that for a few years the government lets them pay less in return for creating jobs that create another tax stream. most smaller companies, and by that I mean companies making less than $500 million a year aren't getting these incentives. I suggest you take some business and accounting courses and sit in on a few planning and zoning meetings and maybe you will get a clue about what's involved in running a business and you will also find out how little assistance the government is willing to give.