So this new minumum wage thing?

Not trying to dis you or the company you built. It's the problem with these conversations people get lumped into groups.

I drive cab for a living use to make $1200 a week last few years was down to $800 now fluctuates between $300-600 far from poor far from minimum wage but I do classify my self in this category. But I do drive these people you talk about daily its just a lot of hard working people trying to get by.

There's no reason a place like Walmart and the like can't pay a living wage. If not then we need to design a whole new system.
Walmart is one of the richest companies in the world, they have the fifth largest economy in the world, what Walmart can or should do has nothing at all to do with increasing the minimum wage. The problem is that when you target these huge corporations with these ignorant laws the ones that are affected are the small companies that can't afford to increase their payroll by 25% or more. You better believe that Walmart don't care because they will just bump everything up a couple of percentage points to cover the additional expense. It's all of the other businesses out there that are hanging on by a thread that will get put out of business because the laws will pertain to everyone, not just Walmart. Go down to any of your local mom and pop businesses and ask them what this kind of ignorant legislation would do to them. The Walton family could buy Canada without ever breaking their checking account. It's not about what Walmart pays.