So this new minumum wage thing?

The issue is the ultimately the introduction of force or violence into an area of non-violent human interaction. It morally corrupt to force people to not be able to do something which in itself is voluntary and peaceful. And YES, intrinsically it is force/ violence, no matter how you spin it.

Paying someone to do something is voluntary in almost every single case. You have to utilize free will and choice to do work, or to pay someone to do work.

This seems overly philosophical but is actually what causes the ripple of economic inequality.

Suddenly you have limited choice. Small jobs, careers or positions will altogether simply disappear, as now they are no longer economically feasible to pay someone to do. This usually reduces entry level positions first, which makes it more difficult to enter the work force in many many fields.

Many places will now be forced to have to combine tasks into higher level positions. Engineers will be sweeping floors, instead of paying a young person or retiree to come in a few hours to help out... which will then limit exposure and access to numerous jobs, for example.

Costs will then rise across the board to take up the slack for the increase in the general increase in cost of production... which will of course impact the lower sectors, incur additional policies or economic environment to generate currency inflation, which will decrease the value of the local money. This will lead to the continual perceived need to AGAIN raise the forced minimum pay rate.

Yes the marketplace will appear to eventually "even" out but the negative effects will be in place and not just go away. Technology and globalism will also be increasingly used to swallow up the now no longer economically feasible positions or tasks, pushing even more people out of the work forces. It causes economic instability and market volatility.

The effects of this force or violence is all around us in the economic playing field we live in, everyday.