So this new minumum wage thing?

Inflation is built into our system they just try to control it's rate. Canada tried a zero inflation system years ago and killed our economy lots of people lost there jobs and houses just for an economic experiment so the rich could stay richer.

One of the main controllers is underemployment and unemployment. But really if you work 40 plus hours a week shouldn't be able to make a living wage ?

And if not and the system is inherently rigged against the average why should we want to part take in that system designed for the few by the few ?

Despite the rich getting richer bit...
You will NOT be able to afford a living after working a 40 hour work week.

After NAFTA, inflation, & a tremendous loss of the manufacturing industry within the U.S., you compete with third world countries' ability to manufacture goods. Those people work for currency that is less than pennies. MSN had an article last summer how this Indian couple would tie their child to a rock while they went to work during the day. Some of us compete with slave labor. I buy $12 shoes at Ross, I support slave, foreign labor. They work for less.

The protective tariffs of the USA are gone.

It appears to only be getting worse as time progresses in many labor fields. Electronic ordering menu's at the fast food restaurants, foreign call centers, foreign parts, foreign steel, foreign assembly of certain portions of American vehicle manufacturing, foreign import of crops, foreigners fulfilling the educated jobs like IT positions here in the USA...

Our way of life has been forever changed by globalization and will continue. The life we knew is becoming extinct.

& Too many work for the government-including me.