So this new minumum wage thing?

Economics doesn't work that way. Never has and never will.

Tell me how that is force or violence on society for those at the bottom to have just a little more.

first, that is illogical argumentation. i didn't not say that people at the lower end of the wage scale receiving more, is violence. You most likely are misunderstanding me... and to be honest, why I am having this conversation on a Mopar forum is a better question.

yes, economics... or the production, consumption or exchanging of goods and services, works just that way. People exchange goods or services based on their perceived self interest. it isn't hard to extrapolate cause and effect of a given action. the examples of what we are discussing are all around us.

legislation utilize government force to enact their code, this uses the governments monopoly on the use of violence to force people to do something. if you break the law, you can be physically punished. if you resist the law, violence will incur. ie: the minimum wage law FORCES businesses to comply with the code at the risk ultimately of violence.

I am not arguing, by the way, with the increase in labor rates... that is an inevitable result of inflation. And I am also not saying that wages are keeping up with the cost of living or inflation. BUT raising restrictions of voluntary human interactions has its blowback.