So this new minumum wage thing?

The application of Macro economics to a minimum wage raise does not make sense. The minimum wage is just that, the minimum.

The reality is that only 4.3% of workers make the minimum wage. To raise it by 25% only results in a net of 0.1% change in the bottom line costs across all businesses.

It's a micro economics issue and only a little one at that. It has nearly no impact on the Macro economics of America. Only the very smallest and very largest businesses will feel it. The very smallest ones that find a raise in the minimum wage fatal are likely already so close to the edge that they were destined to fail anyway. The very largest ones like Walmart that find their profit margin reduced from 3% to 2.8% can just live with it or raise prices by 0.2%. Ok, Cheerios now cost $3.85 instead of $3.78...