So this new minumum wage thing?

Girlfriend got fired for customer complaints. She was a debt collector. (Sure the people she was calling were more than happy to hear from her). They didn't record the calls so the customer was always right. She was always at the top and received bonuses because of it.

They tried not to pay unemployment but she fought it and won. It took a month of back and forth to finally win. Wonder how many other employees they pulled that on. Sure over half just found different crappy jobs right away.

Seems as though everyone has worked there at one time or another. Horrible place to work so I've heard but decent pay and awesome vacation.

She was miserable every day and I took the brunt of it.

Around the time of her first check found out baby number 3 was on the way.

Turned off the cable, put the car up for sale,etc.

She didn't have a care in the world and kept saying it would be fine.

There was no way that if she got a different job that it would even pay for daycare. Let alone finding another one because we had to pull the kids out. (Waiting lists everywhere).

Stay at home mom it is.

Which leads me to what I think a lot of the population is doing.

1. If you’re a man, don’t get married
2. Have a couple kids
3. Use your mom’s address for your mail
4. Buy a house
5. Rent your house to your girlfriend and your two kids
6. Section 8 will pay $900 a month for the rent on the 3 bedroom home
7. Have your girlfriend sign up for Obamacare
8. Your girlfriend gets to go to college free as a single mother
9. She also gets $400 a month for food stamps
10. She gets a free cell phone
11. She also gets a cash grant to help pay for heating costs
12. Move into your house with her, but keep your mom’s address for your mail
13. Each of you can claim one child on your taxes so now you both get to claim head of household credit ($1295)
14. Have your girlfriend get apermanent disability for “marked difficulties maintaining concentration” or having a “back pain.”

She landed a sweet part time job M,W,F. She will go to work when I get home.