So this new minumum wage thing?

The issue with raising the minimum wage is that it will always be that. Minimum. As the cost of goods increase to cover the wage, the wage itself is offset by the cost of goods, leading to a never ending cycle.

Minimum wage isn't a living wage. That's one of the biggest fallacies that's been placed in front of us.

It's also a cash grab. Take a look at the NY's new minimum wage increase for restaurant workers. Okay, a waitress or waiter was working for $2 an hour, offset by tips. Tips, usually in cash, that can be made to disappear from Uncle Sam. By increasing the mandatory wage, that person now has to declare that income. Instant taxes.

Sure, the argument could be made that the waitstaff should do the honest thing and declare the taxes at the end of the year. For anyone who's ever had to do the bookkeeping on a business (and at this point, that's exactly what the waitstaff has become - a contracted business) then you know what an accounting nightmare this is.

But, that's not how it works. That money coming into the waiter's pocket in undeclared income. Now, with the wage increase, the state will be making bank. Interesting that a broke *** state like NY didn't increase the wages across the board, but focused on an industry that has a lot of undeclared cash laying around.

To think that the government is raising a wage for the benefits of the citizens is pure unadulterated bullshit. The government is raising the wage to increase taxes on the lower wage worker. Let that sit in for a minute.