So this new minumum wage thing?

Can't believe how callus some are that begrudge someone making a decent wage.
$15 isn't a living wage far from it but at least a respectable wage. Why is freeloader talk coming up were talking about people that work and might be stuck at the bottom for moment or forever. But more and more families depend on low wage jobs. Doesn't make you a freeloader.

Now I'm sure a lot of you that think it's unfair that they raise minimum wage also probably think it's unfair that jobs are leaving to Mexico and the like. But you can use your own argument against ya. Obviously your over paid unskilled labour don't be so greedy a company has to make a profit it's not the job of the compay to make sure you can live on what they pay you. If you lowered your wages equal to Mexicans problem solved. A lot can be said about most jobs. Most are semi skilled at best unless your a chemical engineer or similar with a little training you probably can be replaced for a cheaper worker. Look at construction lot of over paid people there to. My buddy makes $35 an hour driving cement truck hard job? Hardly that might be my next move. A lot of you probably could take a good pay cut with your reasoning. Is your job really that harder than someone working is a sub shop ? I've worked in a pizza place it can be pretty stressful at times and would say harder than driving a cement truck but paid a lot less.