Help me fix my wobbly windows!

So I know it's been a while, still haven't really taken the time to fix this problem and for some reason missed that last post. TrailBeast any chance you could post some pics of your setup? I think I understand the mods you did but a visual aid would be awesome. I like the thought of doing away with the soft factory pieces that wear away over time, I'm guessing your windows are in there EXTRA solid now after those mods...? I'm jealous fantasizing about driving down the freeway with the window half lowered and being able to fully raise it back up without it being pulled out by the wind and missing the window seal ARGHH

Sorry, I didn't take pics when I did it.
As long as you replace the worn stuff with new you should be good.
And yes I can drive down the freeway and roll my windows up or down without a problem. (even at over 100):D

