Father, Son, and Grand Father project. 1963 Valiant

Not to take anything away from Eric and Grandpa, but I'm very proud of Jason, he is a very fine young man who is the real deal when it comes to his car, and everything he is doing in his life! He is just a great young man who is not afraid to get dirty, do his own work, and follow through on what he sets out to accomplish! The car will be HIS because he is making it so, but the real lessons here are with Dad and Grandpa, and how he is using those lessons to become the fine young man he is!! Way to go Jason, you're making your dad and grandpa proud, and all of us humbled!!!

We all know, as much as it sucks, it has to be done and the more/better prep work completed, the better the final product. In the same vein as the an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, or aim small miss small sayings.

I think it's gonna be awesome and he'll be ecstatic with it. Putting this much effort into something, sacrificing your personal time--especially at his age--will likely result in a very happy young man who knows the value and reward of sweat equity.

Thank you very much Cosgig and TXSTANG84. That compliment means the world to Jason. Especially coming from you guys.

Cosgig, We could never have done this without the help, kindness, and insite of you, and everyone else on this site.

Everyone's encouragement and interest in this project is really exciting for all three of us, but especially for Jason. Your support means the world to him.

That's why this site/forum has always felt the most like home/family to me. We might be dis functional, but non the less we're family here on FABO. Lol.

Thanks for everything. Eric and Jason.