Lexus SC300/SC400 front suspension

This info is for the “I wants” guys. Every other day, without fail, gents post a list of “I wants” to this forum.

I wants rack and pinion steering…

I wants coilovers…

I wants to get rid of my torsion bars…

I wants quick steering…

I wants bigger brakes…

I wants tubular a-arms….

OK, but when the ultimate solution to the “I wants” presents itself in the form of a Hemi Denny, Gerst or RMS suspension setup, the near $5000 price tag makes most of the “I wants” guys go quiet. They know like I know they can never slip that amount of money past their banker (wife). I know I couldn’t. So, I hope the data is taken for what it is, a junkyard alternative. Maybe some gent will look at it, take out a tape measure, have three or four Bud Lights and say to himself… “Y’know… I think I could make that work for not a lot of money…”

That’s Hot Roddin’….

well put. I agree. Granted, I have the Gerst setup and it's very nice and well worth it, but I'm all for DIY hot rodders. I honestly think this has real potential unlike some of the other suggestions out there. Hopefully someone can try it successfully. what do these front clips run ??