building pole barns in the sky

thank guys

i talked to the township the other day, and they mentioned it isnt too hard to get am exemption on the size (as long as the neighbours arent too set on their view) but there is also a minimum distance to the street i need to consider (which is less often exempt)

Did you ask how much $$$ it will cost to "ask" for the variance? Ours here are up to $1000. That's to "ask". There's no guarantee. I went through that 12 years ago with my other garage because I was 3 feet too close to boundary line. Luckily at that time it was only $350. But they told me part of my granting of my variance was that I was only allowed to go 9 feet high with my doors. Said the 10's were too commercial looking. REALLY??? I took the brick off the side of the existing house and used it on the front of the garage. This one's 30x52. I had to go two extra feet so I could get around the well. It's in a concrete pit.