Who has a detailed file on their projects?

I have binders for Mopar, Ford and Chevrolet with hand picked good articles. Each car I have has it's own file that I just deposit anything that is for that car. Don't ask how many I have... I have other files for each engine that I have, files for brakes, fuel, front suspension, rear suspension, transmissions, ignition, you get the Idea. These files take up the whole bottom drawer in the file cabinet. Not as good with pictures. I have Racing manuals from Chrysler and Chevrolet. Catalogs and Factory service and parts manuals. After 45 years of hot rodding and modifying A bodies, it comes in handy since I cannot remember what I did 40 years ago. Yes, I have had some cars that long. I also have books with engineering drawings of parts to make or dimensions of parts, like rear housings, OEM rims. Engine books have component weights, blueprint dimensions, cam cards, Head and block casting numbers etc. Other books are an inventory of what I have.