steering column wires

See that a lot, like both of my A's "as found", and since fixed. Unfortunately, much of that gomer'ing is done by "professionals", though they usually use ugly butt-crimps. "Twist and tape" is definitely a fool's touch. A shame because it is easy to release the pins in the connector they tossed.

The correct connector-pair type is termed "twin-lock" (also used in Ford). They have 2-rows of pins (10-pins, I recall). The connector housing is a translucent white plastic. I got one pair from a member here ($15) and another pair from a late 1980's Dodge motor-home. The steering column connector changed ~1971 when they moved the key to the column for a lock. Indeed, you find some of our early-A connectors on later motor-homes, probably from them using up old stock, so search those next time at the yard.