Lighting improvements

LOL, maybe some of you need to take the time out of your day to go shopping for me to find LED's. I also wanted something that has replaceable bulbs and many of the cheaper LED are not a true bulb.

I don't have time to waste going to "join" a club store that I'll never shop at to buy LED lights. :) I don't need industrial size packages of anything! Those 4 footers are still twice as expensive and I have to wire 2x and install 2x the fixtures for coverage.

Temp is not a big deal here, I live in the desert in Southern California. If it ever gets below about high 30's, it's REALLY cold for here.

I'm cool with what I bought, so have at it beating that LED dead horse, they would only take about 20 years to pay off! Quite the savings!
Awe, c'mon. We're just bragging. Lol. Your storage unit looks very well lit. (Probably better than mine.)
If it makes you feel better, I still have my double 8 footer (maybe six, I forget) fluorescent as the main light in the center of my 2 car oddity collector.