sm blk X and J heads

Really? So it's ok to tell people to do stupid ****?
That's not what I'm saying and you know it. So before you start putting words into my mouth again..... go re read.

I'm not in the habit of letting stupid off the hook.
So, anybody that doesn't do it your way is "Stupid?" Just wondering.

Besides, is it really needed to call people stupid? Shoe on the other foot for a minute. Do you feel good when people call you stupid? And when someone calls you stupid for something you do not know about very well, does that automatically mean you will follow there instructions? And feel good about it?

Sorry, I thought we were here to help and teach and learn.
Perhaps you should walk on back to yellow bullet.

I don't drink. Maybe you should quit drinking before you post.
Sorry, that above, is my line.

No go getcha self a beer and relax!
Stop acting an ***.