Sound deadening in 1975?

Nothing else on the car is any thinner than the '74 I had, but yeah the trunk lid almost sounds thinner, (hard to measure with the folded edges) and the sealant around the outside edge is like a modern car also. I've never owned a car this new, bar a '79 F100. I'm not complaining but the car feels very modern to me, closer to my wifes 2010 mazda minivan than my older mopars. This car is rough, I can only imagine how good it was when new.

I've been told that the sheet metal got thinner with impact standards that implemented in '73.
They had to reduce the weight of the car where they could to get the fuel economy up and offset the weight of the 5mph impact absorbers.

Or so I was told.

I do know that earlier doors from a four door weigh a LOT less than the later doors due to the lack of impact beams.