Wanna share your recipe?

Got my pistons and rods NASA clean for install tomorrow. I've always used the same sort of "recipe" since I was a kid. Far as I know I've always had a good ring seal.

So of course after pistons and rods are clean, I use lacquer thinner on paper towel in the cylinders until they come out darn near white. Then I switch to a lint free white towel, rag, t shirt...whatever I know is lint free.
Last 15 years it's been these real nice white OR towels. Once they come out pure white and clean I'm done cleaning.
Next I coat the cyls lightly with WD40. Very lightly oil ring grooves before the rings go on then a couple drops on the skirts. That's it for me. It's worked out.

I know everyone has different ideas and thought it might be interesting to see what else we do. I knew a guy years ago that smeared the old STP all over everything. Swore by it. Guess it worked for him.

So what do you do?20170129_185503.jpg