Mystery - Strong Fuel Smell

Thanks, understood.

Not doubting you, just confused.

Why would this suddenly become an issue on a cool day with low engine temp when it hasn't happened on 100 degree day runs with the engine temp at 200?

The ONLY "new" factor I can think of is I let the fuel tank empty down to 3 gallons or less. I usually top it off sooner.

Really puzzled here.
Yeah, if the temp is that cool outside, and You haven't changed anything else it wouldn't follow to be only heat related............ was the garage warmer than outdoors
by any real amount? If the tank were mostly vapor and you pulled it in to a warmer location, a lot might get pushed out the vent line from the tank. you wouldn't be
able to see that, but the odor would be by the rear wheel more so than the engine.