fuel recommendations

oK guys thanks - our local shell is ethanol free - use 89 in a couple bikes and 93 in 911 I had - I saw some shell comments recommending 89 over their 87 for cars 'designed to run on leaded gas' which I thought was interesting..


Shell markets three unleaded gasoline grades: Shell Regular, Shell Plus and Shell V-POWER Premium. These three grades of gasoline will meet the octane demands of nearly all engines. Formula Shell Regular typically has an antiknock index of 87*, which is sufficient for most cars designed to use regular unleaded gasoline. Shell Plus (typically, an 89 index*) meets the octane needs of most cars designed to run on leaded regular gasoline, as well as some cars not satisfied by regular unleaded. Shell V-POWER Premium satisfies virtually all engines, and is rated at 93* in the North East Texas market. This Shell premium grade fuel has five times the cleaning additives than mandated by the EPA. V-Power cleans your engine while you drive! With a cleaner engine you may benefit from increased power, lower emmissions and greater mileage.

As engines accumulate miles, they also accumulate deposits in the combustion chamber that usually increase the engine’s octane requirement. The deposits reduce combustion chamber volume, increase the compression ratio and increase octane requirement. The insulating effect of these deposits increases combustion temperatures, which can also increase octane requirement. Shell V-Power gasolines can help to reduce the power and economy robbing deposits. TRY SHELL V-POWER TODAY!

SHELL Gasolines are specially formulated as to their optimum Antiknock Qualities, Volatility, and Oxidation Stability for your climate and geographic area. Octane, Performance and Fuel Economy are carefully controlled to meet the needs of your automobile. Fuel Cleanliness and Handling of the product are closely monitored to bring you the best product possible.

*Octane ratings may vary by market.

Shell Regular

Unleaded Gasoline - 87 Octane Index. For most vehicles whose manufacturer recommends regular unleaded gasolines.
Shell Plus
Unleaded Gasoline - 89 Octane Index. For most vehicles whose manufacturer recommends leaded regular gasoline, and for those vehicles recommended to use regular unleaded, but engine knocks with regular unleaded.
Shell V-POWER Premium
Shell V-POWER Premium Unleaded Gasoline - 93 Octane Index for all vehicles. This Shell premium grade fuel has five times the cleaning additives than mandated by the EPA. V-Power cleans your engine while you drive!

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