What stops you from moving to another state ??

We were looking to move to the nc area a few years ago.

What kept us from doing so? We both make pretty good money here in jersey. Doubt we could make the same down there. Which means less money for retirement.

The other thing is we have an 8 year old. We have great schools here for her. Down there they are too hit and miss from everything I've seen.
Wherever we go I have to be within 2 hours (preferably closer) to the ocean. Need to be able to do day trips to a beach to play in the waves.
More chance of snow here too. I like playing in the snow with the daughter.
We like to head to Wilmington ny to ski. It's a 6 hour ride now. No need to add another 6 hours to that.

Have a few friends in the Clayton and charlotte areas. They constantly talk about moving back to jersey.

I'm sure there are more reasons that I'm forgetting but that's the basic jist of it.

Just Not worth the move at this time for us.