What stops you from moving to another state ??

I would like to move to Idaho ,
Or Montana !
I live in western Washington .
What stops me is being established and work .
I was born here and with the exception of 1 year in Hawaii have lived here all my life .
I strongly dislike the politics here and the traffic as well !
I must say that when it is nice here I don't think there is any place nicer!!

I lived in California for 4 yrs, it was great for weather and riding 4 wheelers in the desert. but they absolutely have and vote in, some of the screwiest, left wing, power hungry, bad for the state and nation, "POLITICIANS" of about anywhere!

We have lots of Californians coming up here to get away from " Liberal California" and yet they all seem to have DEEP enough pockets to pay cash for monster homes and buy up our back country 10,000 acres at a time. And they seem to bring with them the very lifestyle the were trying to escape.. I had some people stop in driving a Hummer with Cali plates and they wanted to buy another Hummer.... very superficial ... all they could talk about is how much they hated California.
They and their late 20s daughter just paid cash for big homes...
They must be doing something right in CA to build all that prosperity !

Others say they would love to move up here but couldn't reproduce the wages they earn down there.... and they are correct.

I live here for the outdoors.... Hunting , dirtbiking , skiing , camping.... other than my Mopars it's really all I want to do.