What stops you from moving to another state ??

2012 I retired from the post office. By spring 2013 I had my house for sale. I sold the house and was headed south to Florida. I live in Cincinnati now. My wife and I bought a mobile home here and had every intention of snow birding. We found a house in Port Orange FL and was 2 weeks from closing when my daughter showed up at my door with my grand daughter and a suitcase. I knew my daughter had some issues, I didn't know they were that bad. I delayed the closing and glad I did. My daughter wound up in prison and now I'm raising my grand daughter. There wasn't enough room in that mobile, so I bought another house here and started over again.
I'm not at all mad about the way things turned out, and I'm glad I was still here to help. God knows what would have happened if we would have been gone.