340 dyno chart thoughts

i find it hard to find people that share their dynoed combos

That's because it become a fish in the barrel ripe for questioning and comments of rudeness and banter in the not so tasty manor. Tons of "You should have...." comments liter the thread, ridicule the engine owner as stupid by mostly those that never have or seldomly have there engine dyno'd.

Honest comments and actual helpful statements from engine builder and dyno operators that could actually help are rare. Internet hero's (Read assholes) chirp away about what's wrong with it and "You should have used this part instead of that **** part...." & "Why the hell would you use that part..." type comments ruin it for everyone.

Not one likes being told there hard work, pride and joy engine (1st or 50th engine they have built.) choice of parts (intake , carb, etc...) is a dumb or stupid choice &/or "How they F'ed up."

No one wants to open up to ridicule.