What stops you from moving to another state ??

There's a big dairy farm about 4 miles from me. It has been there for close to 100 years, and is a family farm. About 15 years ago, there was a fancy new subdivision built about a mile away. Some snooty lady called the owner of the dairy farm, complaining that one of his "Dairy farm flies" had gotten in her house! His response? "Lady, this farm has 300 head of milk cows. Like most any animal, when they eat, they poop. We clean up the poop, and put it in the recycle tank to turn into fertilizer. 300 head of cows produce all of the poop a fly could ever dream of. All I can say is...if the flies are leaving here to come to YOUR house, YOU MUST BE PURTY NASTY!" Click! :icon_fU: