going through a collection

As a kid my dad would build a model a week. When he moved away he gave his collection of models to his baby brother. So my dad said hey my brother gave my model cars back, come over and go throught them for me. He said figure out whats good/bad then keep o sell. I go overand he hands me 8 computer paper boxes to start, he said thair are 18 total.
some are complete, some not so good shape. Luckly one box has only parts that have come off, hoping to have what isn't on them.
I got excited when I saw the Jo Han Fury cop car and box and the cool vans. Almost all of them have the build instructions and decals in a sealed bag. Five still have the original box. I love finding things that have survived time. One box not pictured has six semi's, 4 coe, 2 conventional, 4 enclosed trailers. Still habe more not pictured.20170204_223827.jpg 20170203_120637.jpg 20170204_222846.jpg 20170203_120558.jpg 20170204_223904.jpg 20170203_120250.jpg 20170204_223846.jpg 20170204_224105.jpg 20170204_222839.jpg 20170204_222921.jpg 20170204_223839.jpg