What stops you from moving to another state ??

A couple things, first off, I seem to take so much time making decisions that by the time I figure out where I'd want to move too, I'll be too old to move, or dead.
Second, my wife, she moved from Jersey, to Colorado, to San Fran, back to Colorado. She absolutely loves Colorado and there's no way I'd ever get her to move.
On my side, I've lived in Boulder County Colorado my entire life, kind of sick of it and would like a change of scenery, but like I say, it will never happen. Hell I'd be happy just moving to a slightly bigger house in the same area, but that will probably never happen either since wifey is retired, I don't make a lot of money, fair, but not a lot, and our current little house is paid for. Neither of us is wanting to get back into another home loan just to have a bigger place. I do get tired of living in a 750 sq ft house, with a one car garage, but at least its ours.