What stops you from moving to another state ??

Wow! Thanks for the timely post Kern Dog! This is exactly what I am going through at this very moment. The wife and I have both been out here for nearly 20 years(Los angeles). I'm from Oklahoma and she is from Ohio. We have a plan to leave in 1-2 years. She has run a company for many years and her boss/owner is retiring and selling in a short time. I do freelance lighting work in the film biz(yeah, I know......)

I can't wait to leave the LA area. It drives me crazy. Way too crowded, traffic sucks and everything is super expensive. Nothing against my friends out here it's just not for me and as I get older, I have less and less patience for it. It is nice to race whenever you like, though.

Three years ago, we bought our first house and it has increased in value by nearly 30%. Totally insane.

I told the wife I'd go anywhere she wants as long as it's NOT in a large city. Our best friends are near Portland, so it looks like we're headed to Oregon in a year or two. Sorry in advance to my Oregonian friends. Lol. I know the Californians are none too popular up there. Remember....I'm an Okie! Don't worry though, we'll be out in the sticks somewhere not bothering anyone.

Just want a little bit of land, a shop and some quiet neighbors(for a change). Good luck to all the others trying to do the same.
Don`t get me started. I was in cal. for 4 yrs. !!