It costs money to transport loose paper products to the recyclers. It costs money to then bail it. It costs more money to load it on a semi , and more to deliver it to the end user. Who then spends money to clean it, and bleach it, and manufacture it into some junky product that sooner or later will end up as garbage, at your curb. Then it will cost more money to load it up, and more to transport it somewhere, like a local dump around here, where it costs money to set it on fire, and more to sweep up the ashes, and more again to dispose of those ashes. Who pays for all that?
I say save yourself a lot of money and hassles and just burn it where it sits.

That ban came to our town a over a decade ago.Everybody hated it, and everybody ignored it....for the longest time. But then they upped our taxes and hired a guy to haul our garbage to a landfill.
So noww,we have a lot of open-pit sit-around-the-campfire and roast marshmallows,and............... stuff............But we don't burn actual trash anymore.
unless the wind is juuuuust right ..............:)
Then I send my smoke right over the RM office, from my legal BBQ pit. Well, not me,exactly, but my neighbor does, and I cheer him on, while sipping a coke and holding my weeny-roasting stick. Hyup, we're just waiting for the temperature to come up. .Ok truth! I just made this last part up.