So in other words... lazy?
Or maybe still under the false impression the He is still in a "FREE" country. My parents were forced to pay for a recycling can and are forced to pay for someone to collect it.
They are way more Lib than I, and were already personally taking in glass & plastic directly to a recycler as far back as the early mid '70's. After the commie decree they were
now paying for something that they actually got a small bit of coin for. A pissed off resident quietly followed the "recycle" truck around one day, right to the landfill where He
observed it dumping the "precious" material w/all the other garbage....that made the paper....... If I want personal or private/sensitve papers & materials to disappear, they get
burnt, period. No, I'm not buying a f**king shredder, no I'm not using markers & whiteout, I'm using a match. I have NO recycling where I live, yet I take 2-3 garbage cans of
my own to my folks when the pick-up is due because I do believe glass & plastic should be re-used if possible, (now that scrutiny was fixed on it)I don't mind doing that. The
point is these teapot townships/boroughs/municipalities enact "ordinances" that are city/larger metro based in the middle of a f**kin' cornfield, & can't figure why nobody's
happy about it. Thermal inversions are not common in general & primarily a local phenomenon, which is fairly as predictable as the general weather. Banning something
altogether based on temporary conditions is like bringing back 85 mph speedos, 55 mph limits, & 5 mph bumpers...senseless,stupid,& ugly. When it's -5degF out, and a tree
limb takes down a powerline, or the gas main at the bottom of the hill fills w/water & blocks the adjacent street taps....My wood stove will keep Me alive, My pipes from freezin,
allow Me to cook, & heat water for some java, & a bath........