Cool weather experience

I have been away up north working for about a month. The weather has been cold, typical winter, but it's supposed to warm up, drastically starting today. Where I live, Southern Alberta, will be the warmest as it is Chinook country (windy!). So I'm headed home, driving along on the winter roads and it is about -13C out (8.5F) not too bad overall. About an hour and a half away from home my windows instantly fog up, completely. First thought, damn, ice rain ahead. Nope. Instead it was the Chinook wind. It got warmer, real fast. It went from -13C to +4C in about half a kilometer. That is 8.5F to 39F in about a third of a mile. It was likely a sharper curve than that, but I was doing about 70mph and the truck thermometer could only change so fast. This was due to the fact I was driving due South and drove into the Westerly Chinook wind. I have lived here all my life and never hit the line like that. The town I was driving by would have been cold on the North end and warm on the south end. It's great that we get these warm spells throughout the winter due to the Chinook wind. But a couple days ago, much of Southern Alberta got nailed with snow. Some places near the mountains got 4 feet or so. I think there may be some February flooding in our future! Just thought I'd share as it kinda surprised me how fast and how much it changed.