I would burn that stuff in my indoor,wood-fired boiler, but it creates more ash than virgin product, and I'm not interested in carrying all that ash back up the stairs nor to haul those ashes to the landfill.
I can burn 12,000 pounds of dried oak off-cuts during a winter,from local cabinet shops, and have NOT one full metal garbage can of ashes.I love that stuff!
See; I do recycle!
I refuse to burn cardboard refuse in the boiler.Not even as fire starter, which it's not even good for. Just try lighting that with a match! Hah! Good luck.
I also recycle used motor oil. I mix it 4 to 1 with stale gas or diesel, and that makes a pretty good POOF! I occasionally mix used cooking oil in the concoction too and/or other volatile liquids from the shop . And then I can set the damper and walk away, and not have to babysit the flickering candle of cardboard or cereal-box.

See; I'm not a total dick about recycling........