Cool weather experience

We had quite a bit of snow this winter. Normally when it snows it doesn't last long...either the wind moves it out or we warm up. Since the first snow fell winds remained calm...and we have been cold. Well we have been above freezing lately...and it is melting. Seen some monster pot holes in Spokane yesterday. Our yard will be a swamp here shortly...
Local news is almost comical. First batch of articles was about being prepared. Second,was of people ***** inherit about the roads being plowed...and how folks were having trouble with the berms. Why can't they be put in the middle of the road? Why can't they not berm my driveway in? Then it went to "whybrid do the plows have to go so fast? They are throwing the snow onto my freshly shoveled driveway and sidewalk?". Next *****...why haven't all the lesser traveled side streets been plowed? Now...the pot holes...