Push rod clearance.


With the mock up pushrods being that short, the adjusters would be hanging out of the bottom of the rocker pretty far. That would cause excessive pushrod sweep at full lift toward the intake manifold side of the tunnel. Once the correct length pushrods are in place, it probably won't touch at all.

The sweep on the valve tip looks fantastic! Like yellow rose said, that is what good geometry looks like. With only .035" sweep for .670" lift, imagine how far off it is for someone running .500" lift and having .080-.090" sweep. I've seen that many times, and sometimes worse.

Thanks for the plug, and good luck with your dyno session.
Ya know Mike, I was wondering how longer rods would affect this. Don't know why, but I thought it might get even tighter......Glad to hear I might be wrong.

Adjusters were hanging out the bottom about as far as they could be. Like I said, damn near a quarter inch too far. Going to call my man Ethan at Smith Bros tomorrow. I don't know if a 5/16 rod is even possible. Far as I know I have a bit too much pressure.

Maybe like you said, it won't be an issue. While I'm waiting I am going to very gently open up the top third of the tunnel. I mean VERY gently. Turn down the air...go slow...I have a nice dull burr I've been saving.

And a big thanks for the set up! I was shocked when I first looked at the sweep pattern. Man I didn't think it was even possible to get it that nice. Don't have a clue how you do it but keep on doing it.