I Survived a Violent Motorcycle Crash!

Glad you're okay, man! My bike riding days ended before they ever started. I was stationed in Western Tennessee in the mid 90s, and I was thinking of getting a bike. I was young, in the Navy, and I had daydreams of being Maverick from Top Gun riding his bike along the runway of the base as an F-14 came in for a landing. That changed in an instant the day I came upon a motorcycle accident before any police or EMS got there. Pieces of a crotch rocket scattered everywhere, a totaled Ford Probe on the side of the road, and a spreading pool of blood around a guy whose buddy had just covered his head (or what was left of it) with his jacket. That image is still stuck in my head, and it's what keeps me off bikes today. I try not to discourage others with my story, simply because I don't want to get in the way of their enjoyment of the open road, but I can't do it. Good luck to you with whatever you decide to do.