Ported my Super Victor today

It is more about allowing You to control the port alignment, height, and approach contours based on the particular heads You are dealing with. It is better to start small & work
your way to what you want than to try & fix it when it is wrong, and only adding material will fix it. Welding is time consuming, and epoxy eventually starts chipping around the
edges over time, so.............................
Yeah I think we all know this and I certainly agree. But ya know what? .....They could do better. Maybe they should grab a SV off their shelf and lay it on a pair of their heads.

Bottom line is they know we need them, they know we will fix their crap, so why make production even costlier?.
Let's face it. You wanna make some power with a single plane you better invest in a couple quality carbide burrs.....and it sure ain't just "gasket matching" either. Make sure your burrs are long shank.