Early A door lock conversion

I did the passenger side tonight as well....didn't think I would have time but of course the second one took half the time as the first one.

On thing I did and it dawned on me after I was almost done ....and slantsixdan had mentioned it in another thread so I don't know what I was thinking.....

the rod I had made for the driver side went in the passenger side because in order to have both sides lock going clockwise and unlock going counter clock wise...the rod I had made for the driver side needed to go on the passenger side and I need to make a longer rod for the driver side. On the back of the cylinder is a little "C" clip...on the driver side, that C clip needs to come off and the arm needs to be flipped to the opposite side, to make the correct directional effect.

More pics to follow but I am tired after a day of lock cylinders so tomorrow or whenever will be a continuation to the saga. As of now, I have the passenger side, locking clockwise and unlocking counter clockwise, so it was a good day.