Cam suggestions

Maybe I shouldda included the stick pokey thing. I appreciate all your contributions.......however wordy. We all know you're a genius. ......and I really mean that. Some of us just don't like to be reminded just how far down the totem pole we really are. LOL

Just cuz my posts are long, doesn't mean I'm trying to"show people how smart I am", and I'm sorry you feel that way.
My wife is like that too, and it is somewhat frustrating for me as well.But neither one of us is sorry we married the other.
I am very comfortable in who I am, and definitely not out to prove anything to anyone, especially not to people I will never meet.
I have been wrenching for 48 years so maybe I know a goodly amount about wrenching. But this is a tiny world of information. I know almost nothing about anything else.On many things I am ignorant,on some I am stupid, and on others I don't give a hoot. And I have a lot of opinions. That's what happens when you do the same thing over and over for 48 years,namely, form opinions.
Listen, I know you have a vast amount of knowledge too. And a goodly amount of opinions,as well. I have never seen you give bad advice. That doesn't mean I compare your advice to what mine might have been, on the off chance that one of us could be wrong;not at all.I have learned many things here on FABO, and more than a bit of that learning I have absorbed from you. I consider us as being on the same page.
Hey, everyone knows I'm wordy, and everyone knows you are a bit gruff. I don't ignore your posts cuz of that. I know that I can often learn something from your posts so I read every single one I come across; just as I read every post from everyone else that offers regular helps and advices.Not only am I here to help, I am also here to learn. That's what makes this forum fun for me, and also informative,and also addictive. Every time I log in I just know I'm gonna learn something.
You know I like you Rusty,and I have read in your posts that you might like me,too.You don't have to be nice to me,I get that, But I wouldn't mind at all if you were.